Since 2011 Daring Duck has organized Boy Scout and Girl Scout activities in Xiamen. Our weekly youth clubs have attracted hundreds of kids between 8 and 18 years. Many of these kids grew from our Daring Ducks in their early years to become real Scouts as a teenager with the ability to go camping and take care of themselves.
The main objective of scouting at Daring Duck is to help kids to take care of themselves and to become succesfull and supporting members of their communities. In order to do that, we teach them skills that will help them in many situations that they will face when they grow up.
From our headquarters in Europe, we now reach out to more teenagers in Europe, in China and elsewhere in the world. The focus is to provide a consistent quality of our activities, no matter where you live. We do that by offering multi-lingual instruction videos, by providing online interactive sessions to teachers of schools and clubs and by setting up Adventure Parks where teenagers can enjoy structured classes as if they visit an amusement park.
Have a look at the three main pillars of Daring Duck.

1) Online Education
During our first 10 years, we have developed hundreds of activities. Each activity introduces a part of what we call useful life skills. These life skills vary from Camping to Navigation and from First Aid to Navigation.
In 2021, these activities be provided as online classes to assist teachers in providing consistent quality to their students.

Every member of Daring Duck receives an Adventure Pass in which their progress is registered and where they can see what they still have to do to become a Daring Duck, a Scout, or even an Explorer.
Wherever we can, we work together with outdoor youth clubs from the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM). We provide youth clubs with our programs and recommend youth to become a member of their local scouting club.
Click on these articles for a blast from the past:-
Daring Duck’s Outdoor Youth Program
– What do you learn at Daring Duck?

2) Summer Camps
For many teenagers, summer camps are the highlight of the year. Not only do they get to do exciting activities, but they also enjoy programs from morning till evening and get to make new friends.
Our new Head Quarter in Europe provides the ideal location for safe and enticing camps. Our private 320.000 square meter estate has forest as well as fields and we even have our own lake.
Read the articles below for an impression of Daring Duck’s summer camps, or go to references to see some of the feedback we received.
Click on these articles for a blast from past Daring Duck camps:
– Why going to a Camp is Great for Your Kids!
– 2019: Summer Camps are coming!
– 2018: Youth Summer Camps in full Swing.
– 2017: Adventure Camps
or watch one of the videos of some of our camps in China:

3) Adventure Parks
Adventure Parks are the ideal way for schools and cities to teach their teenagers useful skills in an exciting and safe environment.
An Adventure Park contains 5 to 20 stations. Each station is fully equipped to provide one of 100+ activities.
Students of schools can participate in two 3-year programs that follow all activities until a student becomes a fully certified Explorer.

Cities can open an Adventure Park as an useful amusement park. Over a periode of several visits, participants can earn ‘keys‘ of knowledge. They first achieve the status of Daring Duck, then Scout, and finally they can become a certified Explorers.
Examples of designed Adventure Parks

The first Chinese Adventure Park will be opened in 2021 in Nanning, capital of Guangxi province.