In 2024, we added International Youth Exchange to our youth activities. After our outdoor youth camps and the upcoming Adventures APP, our Low-Code academy enabled us to add a youth exchange management system that is now near completion. YEOhub already supports thousands of high school students realizing their interest in studying abroad for a year.Continue reading “International Youth Exchange”
Author Archives: admin
CN-Team Building for Remote Workers
Does your company or organisation have remote workers? Do you want to get more collaborations among colleagues in different locations? Is your staff working in different cities or countries? Do your workers never meet each other anymore in a relaxing but useful atmosphere? These are all reasons why in today’s age of remote work, effectiveContinue reading “CN-Team Building for Remote Workers”
Team Building for Remote Workers
Does your company or organisation have remote workers? Do you want to get more collaborations among colleagues in different locations? Is your staff working in different cities or countries? Do your workers never meet each other anymore in a relaxing but useful atmosphere? These are all reasons why in today’s age of remote work, effectiveContinue reading “Team Building for Remote Workers”
每年的四月22日,全球各地的人们都会庆祝地球日。在大胆鸭,我们在每个地球日都会注意以下这五个R。 教师们,如果你们想在课堂中加入有关地球日的元素,请查看我们的探险APP。在地球日的准备课程中,您能找到有关节约的探险。点击图片或者下方链接以查看我们关于节约的课程。 请允许我先表达歉意,探险视频的时长通常都是5到12分钟,看完视频后,学员们可以进行实操并完成他们的挑战。但这次关于节约的视频长达17分钟,原因自然是因为节约是地球日里非常重要的一个环节。 节约的各种优点: 因此,相对于其他话题,大胆鸭认为我们应该把更多的时间花在节约这个话题上,享受大自然的美。
Teachers: get ready for Earth Day
Every year, on the 22nd of April, all over the world, people celebrate Earth Day. At Daring Duck, we use Earth Day always to draw attention to the 5 R’s. Reduce Reuse Recycle Restore/Repair Replenish Teachers, if you want to pay attention to Earth Day during your classes, then check out the Adventures APP. InContinue reading “Teachers: get ready for Earth Day”
每个月我们都会关注一个特定的课题,三月份,我们选择导航。 在这个三月,您可以通过我们免费的探险APP来参与如下方所列举的探险: 我们也会在4月的22号关注即将来临的地球日,并特别关注我们的五个R。 在这里下载属于你的探险APP,每周迎接新的探险
March is about Navigation
Every month, we choose one topic that gets special attention. In March that is Navigation. This March, with the free Adventures APP, you can participate in Adventures such as: How does a compass work? Making your own compass Navigating with a map and a compass Navigating with the sun We will also be looking atContinue reading “March is about Navigation”
虎年跃跃焕新 2022
感谢所有人过去年月的支持,祝愿你们虎年跃跃焕新,平安喜乐! We thank all our members for their support during the last year and wish every young teenager a Very Active Year of the Tiger.
Active Year of the Tiger 2022
We thank all our members for their support during the last year and wish every young teenager a Very Active Year of the Tiger.
FAQ added to the website
The best way to learn about the functionality of a product is sometimes not by reading about its myriad functions, but by asking questions so you get a better understanding. We want to help you to do that by giving you access to the questions that we received from some of the Adventurers that useContinue reading “FAQ added to the website”