Coaches: Deliver exciting programs to your teenage students

Are you a school or a teacher looking for exciting activities for your teenage students? Then watch this video. You will find them here. Text of the video Hello, Welcome at Daring Duck. Are you a school or a teacher looking for exciting activities for your teenage students? Then keep watching this video. You willContinue reading “Coaches: Deliver exciting programs to your teenage students”


您是否想每周学习一项新技能? 学习绳结的编制和使用方法?如何急救? 如何使用指南针或如何在不使用手机的情况下联络百米开外的他人? 立刻下载我们的探险APP,每周都有探险活动。 或在*此处*了解如何使用 Adventure APP。 探险APP中还将包含更多功能。您将能注册更多的探险活动,您还可以查看他人发表的活动空间并为他们点赞。 下载我们的探险APP,找到“我的课程”以查看您的第一项活动。并且您将在下周收到新的探险通知。 安卓手机直接下载(中国) (很快,探险APP也将在你的中国的APP商店上线) 大胆鸭,为不甘于仅上网活动的探险青少年所定制

Our phone APP in 15 seconds.

As a member of Daring Duck International Scouting, you can publish your adventures in our Outdoor APP for smart phones. You can see the adventures of others, you can compliment your friend’s activities, watch videos for new challenges and see what adventures are waiting for you. Register now and you will soon receive your copyContinue reading “Our phone APP in 15 seconds.”


在拥有10多年的童军俱乐部经验后,我们开始了在线探险方案和探险园。 通过在线探险,我们希望实现4个目标: 让更多的青少年参与scout活动 支持童军领袖的工作 为所有参加的青少年提供高质一致的活动 建立一个安全的社区,青少年可以与他们的同伴和其他国家的成员进行交流。 您想进一步了解我们的理念以及我们如何朝着这些目标努力吗? 请查看此页面:大胆鸭的理念和方法。

The philosophy behind our approach

After 10 years of experience with scouting clubs, we started the Online Adventures and Adventure Parks. With the Online Adventures we want to achieve 4 objectives: Give more teens access to scouting activities Support Scouting leaders in their activities To provide a consistent and good quality for all teenagers who participate in our activities StartContinue reading “The philosophy behind our approach”