Do you want to be really prepared for your outdoor classes for teenagers? Then join Daring Duck’s Free Webinars. In our interactive webinars, we discuss items such as:
- Which Adventures your students can do the next month or week,
- What materials you need to prepare,
- What Challenges are included with each Adventure,
- How you can ensure safety during the outdoor activities,
- The learning-by-doing education methodology, and
- Other items that you like to discuss to give the best class to your students.

The webinars are open for teachers that provide outdoor classes for teenagers at school, in a scouting club or in a neighbourhood centre.
Have a look ‘HERE‘ at our ‘INTRODUCTION FOR TEACHERS‘ with more information on Daring Duck‘s program for teachers.
Register now by sending an email to and I will contact you with information on our next webinar.
I look forward to seeing you,